Sunday, January 21, 2007

Only the Good is Real

We have progressed to the point in our human evolution where we can begin to see that all is good. We do make mistakes, but these mistakes are just lessons about our futile search for happiness in an ignorant manner.

Therefore we can make four denials: 1.There is no evil, only error or undeveloped good 2. There is no such thing as dead matter, all is alive 3. Pain, sickness, poverty, deformity and death cannot master me, because I have grown out of the belief in them and made them into steps of growth for me 4. There is nothing in all the universe to make me afraid. Only Good exists anywhere, unless I am like a blindfolded child crying that there is no light.

In denying the power of fear, I assert my power over everything. When you grasp this power, you may experience chemicalization and feel sick briefly because you have stirred up the dregs of old beliefs with new living light. Truth disturbs error. Even Christ said I come not to bring peace but a sword. I stand resolutely in the conviction that nothing can discourage me. I am standing on the ground of the eternal good. I am becoming a tower of strength and a center of attraction. I am an uplifting silent influence.

Your child may disobey you but do not punish him, just lay your hand of confidence in the good upon his forehead and say silently “There is no evil.” There are no sinners or failures, just misguided searchers for happiness.

“I am not so negative as to be angry.” I fight nothing. My neighbor’s anger or unjust acts are just a temporary mistake. I dwell upon the idea that only the good is real.

Not an atom in my body was there 3 months ago.
I replace all of the old worn out atoms in my body with new atoms bearing the stamp of immortality. Every new vital truth that I envision changes my body into immortality. My thoughts weaken or strengthen my body. Disease and old age are the result of sick thoughts.

There is no evil. There is no matter to drag me down. All is spirit, all is light, all is infinitely good. There is nowhere guilt can grasp my mind to pull me down. I desire the good, I see the good, I am one with the good.

I recognize and let go of all limiting beliefs. Health is mine, there is no disease. I am free from pain, poverty and fear. My life is boundless. I am health. I am strength. I am intelligent. I am great. I am beautiful. I am prosperous. I have the power of infinite understanding. I am now that which I desire to be. My soul is growing ever more aware of my godlike nature.

When I believe in evil, my growth is retarded. With intelligent awareness, infinite happiness is possible. All is good, I am not afraid. In essence I am already that which I desire to be. I re-educate myself every day with new vitality and new understanding and new atoms.

Not one in a hundred people know that they can think or that their thoughts control their lives. You can turn your back on all of the false beliefs you have ever learned. There is a well-spring of original thought within you. Within the acorn there is an oak tree. Within the cocoon there is a butterfly. Within you there is the unlimited good of God.

Your desires are good, even though at times they are focused poorly. Desires are the voice of God within you, calling you to greater awareness. Imagination is the mother of desire. Doubt can strangle imagination. You have the right to question everything. You have the right to doubt and to question. You have the right to know the truth and to be set free from the false.

It is not our desires that have to be overcome, but our false beliefs about them. We must follow our desires until they lead us past our false beliefs in limitation to our divinity. Desire for more is the spirit of growth in man.

We have believed more in our fears than in our desires. God gave us desires, we gave ourselves fears. Intelligence destroys fears when it follows desires. Intelligence desires health, freedom, love, beauty and the infinite good. False beliefs (ignorance) deny the power of desire and remain stuck in fears and doubts.

There is a fountain of intuitional knowing within you. Ask yourself a question, turn within and listen. There is a strange living substance within you that knows no disease, no sin, no poverty, no death, that knows nothing but prosperity, health, strength and vitality. We have an inner mind that knows all things and an outer surface mind that keeps us focused outwardly. This inner mind does not desire or remember sickness and death. Tap into this inner mind. It is the source of all power and knowledge.

Helen Wilmans


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