Friday, July 13, 2007


We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. --Anne Frank

Defining the factors that contribute to happiness has always been something of a puzzle. According to psychologist Professor Ed Diener there is no one key to happiness but a set of ingredients that are vital. In his view family and friends play the most crucial role - the wider and deeper the relationships with those around you the happier you are. Some studies indicate that friendship has a decidedly positive impact on health. Our brains control many of the mechanisms in our bodies responsible for disease. Just as stress can trigger ill health, it is thought that friendship and happiness can have a protective effect. According to happiness research, friendship has a much bigger effect on average on happiness than a typical person's income. The Happiness Formula is a BBC series that takes a closer look at these studies.

Be The Change:
Professor Ed Diener offers his Happiness Test here.


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