Sunday, April 15, 2007

A New Era

Barbara Marx Hubbard, teaching at Wisdom University in Santa Barbara, has written The Book of Co-Creation, and Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth, heralding a new era of Conscious Evolution, a new field that arisen in our generation as humanity had learned to destroy and create with powers we used to attribute to gods. It heralds the evolution of evolution from unconscious to conscious choice. We have entered the transition to the next stage of human evolution or devolution and self-destruction. “This change from nature-based evolution to human-based evolution is, by far, the largest change to occur since the first single cell life appeared…. the creatures that take evolution into their own hands have no experience in the game.” James Martin, “The Meaning of the 21st Century. “

This new era is designed exactly to provide “experience” in the “new game” of consciously evolving, using intellectual, experiential, dialogic, meditative modes of “divining the design” of our lives as agents of conscious evolution.
Working from an understanding of the recurring patterns of evolution, including the rise of human culture and religion, we are all learning to map Our Turn on the Spiral, starting with Social Evolution from 1945 to the present and beyond, tracing the rapid breakdowns and breakthroughs leading us now into “Late Transition” on planet Earth.

Also we are proceeding to Self Evolution, with each person mapping his or her own process of Self Evolution, as it coincides and is influenced by Social Evolution. We are exploring both intellectually and experientially the continuing incarnation of Self – the idea that a new species is being born within us, a more universal human, that we have not yet experienced the full model of who we are becoming, that an evolutionary spirituality has taken hold that is driving us to realize the “Soul of Evolution” as our own passion to be more, do more, create more.

We are learning to focus on the emergence of the Evolutionary Woman and the Evolutionary Man as individuals and in relationship. Humans have left the Garden of Eden. We have traveled the path of individuation, separation and power over nature. We have come to the end of this phase. Now evolving humans are stepping by choice into the Second Garden, the “Garden of Cocreation.”

We are preparing for the Second Genesis as through advancing technologies we are gaining power to place human intent into matter. To have the wisdom to handle all our new powers, we learn to align with our essential self, to resonate with one another, to deepen our spiritual attunement to the subjective experience of the Impulse of Evolution, as we discover our deeper life purpose in the recreation of the world. The Garden is in essence a global School for Conscious Evolution, a kindergarten for godlings. We experiment with this myth in words, art, movement, and expression of various kinds.

Vocational Evolution follows, where each person is assisted in tapping into this deeper life purpose seen not merely as a personal purpose, but as an indivualized expression of the design of creation, a vital element of the emerging world. Cocreativity and new projects emerge.. The Wheel of Cocreation is offered as a field of coherence in which to find teammates and assist in the connection of what is already working. Our purpose is to contribute to political, economic and social change through the development of an Evolutionary Agenda

Visions of a Universal Humanity: We envision together the next stage of evolution, based on “quantum capacities,” joining genius at the growing edge, developing together a strange attractor, that combines our spiritual, social, and scientific/technological potentials at the next level of synergy.

Life Objectives:
• To place the current human condition in the process of evolution using insights gained from 14 billion years of transformation as lessons to guide us in our own conscious evolution now.
• To deepen contact with the Essential Self, learning to self-map and nurture the developmental path of the universal human that each individual is on.
• To gain tools to integrate all levels of self – body, local self, essential self, universal self, and beyond, aiming at becoming whole beings, full spectrum selves, cocreators of new worlds.
• Through understanding the great opportunities now emerging to evolving our world, to identify and commit to specific sacred action to fulfill the potential of the self and the world.


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