Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Starting the Dialogue with God

Welcome to Hearing God’s Voice within you. Today is a really exciting day because we are going to start the dialogue with this Presence of Love within us.

It’s important to start by extending Love to your thoughts, by quieting your mind, and then feeling the connection you have with God’s Voice within you. Once you have quieted your mind and made that connection more real by feeling It within you, the next thing you want to do is start the dialogue. You want to say “hello” to God’s Voice, to this Presence of Love within you. It’s just like when two people see each other across a crowded room and make eye contact and want to connect with one other. There is a vibe between them, but if nobody makes the first move, nothing is going to happen. It’s the same with God’s Voice, with this Presence of Love within us. We have to start the dialogue. We have to begin the conversation.

What’s so great about starting the conversation with God’s Voice is that no matter what you say, it’s okay. You can’t say anything that this Presence of Love within you could ever judge you for or ever dislike you for. It’s absolutely safe. Everything you say is welcome. It doesn’t matter what it is. It’s just important to start the dialogue. Some people might call this prayer. Talking to God might be considered prayer. Any conversation that is directed to God could be considered prayer. Again, the content doesn’t matter. If talking to God is prayer, then listening to God could be called meditation. Once you’ve started this conversation with God, it’s then important to actually be quiet and listen if you want to hear something back.

How many times has someone come to you and said, “Oh my gosh! I have this horrible problem and I really need some advice. I really need to know what you think. I really need to know what I should do ... and this and this is going on … and this and that happened….” And they never actually stop talking long enough to hear any advice? I think this is what we do often times with God. We start the conversation and tell God what is going on. We share what’s in our mind or in our heart and then we say, “Oh! Gotta go … Oh! The phone is ringing … Oh, I have to get this done right away,“ and there is no time to stop and listen. That is the meditation. It’s not that you have to do any particular technique. It’s just that you have to actually stop talking and then listen. And the process of extending Love is so wonderful because you can use that process throughout your dialogue with God. You can continue to extend Love to whatever arises.

So you’ve begun the conversation and then you say to God, “Okay, I’m going to be quiet now and I’m going to listen. I’m going to stop talking and hear what you have to say.” Then a thought arises that says, “You’re never going to hear anything.” Or maybe during the conversation you have the thought, “Well that was stupid. I shouldn’t have said that.” Whatever it is—whatever thought arises—just extend Love to it and keep going. You extend Love to it and then give yourself the opportunity to be quiet and hear.

What is really important about this process of talking to God and listening is that you don’t want to always be listening for words. God speaks to us in every form imaginable. We’ve talked about having a thought, a vision, a light bulb moment, some insight and answer comes to you, or having some thought enter your mind that is just the right thing in that moment. You might get a song stuck in your head that is the perfect answer to your question. God is speaking to us using any and every form imaginable. Yes, God speaks to us in words—absolutely! Though to God, words are equal to every other form of communication. Words are equal to feelings, to thoughts, to a vision … it doesn’t matter. They are all just forms of communication. None are higher than another, so it is very important to be open to hearing in the broadest sense. We are really just receiving communication.

In today’s exercise, extend Love to your thoughts, quiet your mind, feel your connection with God’s Voice, and then start the dialogue. Remember, all communication to God is welcome. When you are done sharing with God all that you want to share, then make the decision that you are going to stop talking and just listen. You are going to receive God’s communication to you. In this particular exercise, you want to be absolutely open to any and every way that God is communicating to you. You don’t want to miss the forest for the trees by only listening for words. Allow yourself to become aware of whatever feelings, thoughts, insights, visions, etc. are coming to you. Become aware of those thoughts within the mind and allow yourself to receive the communication and guidance that is in them, because the communication is there. In the coming days, we will work specifically on hearing words, but for today, be open to receiving communication from God’s Voice in whatever form it comes. Allow yourself to experience that God is speaking to you and let yourself receive that communication in any form imaginable.


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