Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quotes From Emma Curtis Hopkins

Quotes from Scientific Christian Mental Practice. Emma Curtis Hopkins (You can buy used copies of this book from Amazon for $4.33)

' Faith can fulfill your slightest wish.'

If God is your world, what have you to fear ? '

' Look often to the Vast, Vast Countenance.' ' Great believers in miracles draw them. '

' Touch not the earth - touch God !'

' We must woo and woo the Majesty and Responsive Beneficence ever facing us. Our wooing will be astonishingly rewarded.'

'If you can redden your face with a thought, you can straighten your crooked bones with a thought.'

' some power whereby the trees leave forth.'

' There is no combination of experiences so hard, so black, so complicated but that God can work a miracle in them. '

' Take your highest thought of God.'

' Let us never flinch at what is happening around us. What is transpiring above us is our concern. And this wins all battles; for the kingdom across the bar is the Ruling Kingdom. '

' By continually keeping His name you have everlasting rest in delightful companionship, unbroken family life, abundant blessings greater than you can ask or even think.'

' Let me tell you the twelve effects of thinking of the Spirit: You will have life, health, strength, support, defense, thinking faculty, wise speech, ability to record well your ideas, joyous song, skill in carrying out your principles, beauty of judgment, and great love.'

' A woman who had no faith but had been told what wonder might be wrought through faith sat down and deliberately determined to learn it. She sat down in the midst of her poverty and loneliness with her little children about her and practiced learning. She seemed shiftless to her neighbors, but it was astonishing what "luck" that woman always had. Something good was always "turning up." Her children were all talented, beautiful, prosperous. '

' Men may gather all the gold into a lump, and say you cannot have any, but by some way of Spirit you will come out with more abundant riches than all the rest put together. They may hold arguments and try psychological processes to chain your mind or change it, but the Spirit will make a way with you to keep you free from all such attempts. You will elude every mental opposition as easily as you elude material things. Jesus came through their belief that he was dead.'

' a man kept praising God that he was so well, while a great tumor or some other kind of swelling was plain to be seen by his neighbors. But he praised God publicly that he was so well for a whole fortnight. Long before the fortnight was up he was well, so that even his neighbors could see it so. '

' To say that 'My Good is supply, God is my Good, therefore God is my supply' is to stir the mountains and the seas to bring us our new provisions.'

' Looking, mentally, upon Jesus Christ as present, will cure poverty; it will cure blindness ; it will cure deafness; it will cure palsy; it will cure rheumatism; it will cure insanity. '

' He, never having gone away from our side, we can look upon Him now, and be cured of whatever ailment we are crying about.'

' Many will tell of how wonderfully they have been led by repeating the name of Jesus Christ. There was never any other character in history who gave orders to keep repeating his name. '

'There is one indestructuble substance pervading all things, from the remotest star to the nearest dust particle. This substance is finer than any substance cognized by the senses. It is finer than the attraction of gravitation, cohesion, destruction. It can only be cognized by the mind. It can only be handled by the thoughts of the mind. And only the understanding of the mind can make it useful. He who by any manner of thinking handles this substance soon finds himself experiencing vital renewals throughout body and mind. He has begun the 'animation of the particular from the universal,' an art eagerly sought by the ancients. ' '

"I would know none among you save Jesus Christ, " said Paul to the Corinthians. '

' Who now is ignoring every disastrous state of affairs, and separating himself to the One Name by which the first Apostles wrought their miracles? - Jesus Christ is that Name.' ' ... receiving the Holy Spirit that alone makes whole. ' '

"The Spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord(Ps 20:27.)" And by recognizing this candle sound health is established in the outer experience.'

' When we know God, we have touched the very substance which can inform us how to work each minute wisely, so as to be clothed and fed and housed and healed, without any other process than simply knowing God. '

' It is ideas of God which if you shepherd well, will get you into that state of mind called heaven, when you have health, judgment, prosperity. '

' When we are spiritual, we do not try to bring great things to pass, yet they come to pass. ' ' The most wonderful achievements of mankind have been brought to pass by confidence in some wonder-working unseen power. '

' As God is free now, so we are free now.'

' Isnt it a joy to you to know that you within yourself the power to annull every evil thing?'

' The ginger and glow of unvisioning life, cease for such as know that their true provisions and their true positions come from above, and nothing and nobody can take them from them. The Countenance that shines hot with healing tenderness and with rich giving is of more value than all that can possibly come by the clash of endeavor.'

' Let us say, "Poverty is unreality; there is no such thing as poverty; poverty is nothing to Spirit. Spirit owns all things."'

' Nobody need strive or haste for his prosperity if his faith is fixed, and his words keep repeating his covenant.'

' In the Lord's house is much treasure.'

' There is a self-supporting power in the Holy Spirit which, when you let it operate unhindered through you, leads straight to your substantial support.'

' "As I look into the God who is support beyond my idea of sustaining and supporting, I bring forth the plenty I see as I look." '

' There are ways of thinking about your environment which will make you like a harp in the fingers of love, so enchanting will be your silent mind to the world hurt traveller, so blessed will sound your voice to the bruised child of human hardships. You need not worry about whether you shall speak or not. You will have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel if you take the fresh morning for giving thanks and glad praises unto the spirit and speak forth with freedom some lesson of this Science. '

' We cannot fail while we are daily speaking the lofty principles of that Kingdom on the Earth, though not of it, which will come up before our vision more and more. '

' Always high vision stirs right speech, silent or audible, and right speech silent or audible stirs right convictions, and the accomplishment of the seemingly impossible is the outcome.'

' Error can come in bright packages of beautiful words, but it is better to have a mind of your own.' ' We must give our strict attention to something supernally worth while.'

' The ancient Bible taught that it is good to tame the mind, which is difficult to hold in and very flighty, rushing whither it listeth, but once tamed it will bring you great happiness.' ' Let us say to unhappiness, "There is no unhappiness in Spirit; All is joyous peace." And let us say within our own minds, "Now !now !" '

' We take the conscious teachings and train ourselves till our machine-like bodies spring to as quick intelligence as our consciousness itself.'

' Health sits in as a first sign of spirituality.'

' Take some wine of doctrine, stronger and warmer ideas of life.'

' The only thing worth working for is a right state of mind.' ' say positively, "I do not believe it takes hard work to succeed in Gods universe."'

' There is no part of the body that may not open and indraw the subtler-than-air stimulants that would soon burst forth as strength.'

' The soft flakes of healing are falling all around you all the time, even on your shadow.'

' "God works through me to will and do that which ought to be done by me." Be sure this is true. It is a great rest to think how many unnecessary things we have been doing that we are now relieved from doing. '

' Be not tenacious of your own will. Be not exacting. Let Go. All is well around you: say: Rest in the Lord and He shall bring it to pass.'

' "I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. "' ' You are so ready with your abilities that you soon become known as a leader among your associates if you learned early this: --"Jesus Christ is all in all." --'

' Give thanks, and praise the Spirit of God for the law of the self-increasing potency of every substance.'

' Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.' ' say often, "There is only one God - one."'

' Deny that there are any causes, or results of causes, in you or around you, that could lead to disease, poverty, or failure. Take yourself for each year. '

' If I were to be asked directly as to the quickest way for a Scientist to get his healing power going, I would probably say Praise, everything and everyone in your mind, and as far as your mental convictions will demonstrate promptly, speak these praises aloud.'

' There is a faculty of your health whereby it loves to drop thru your mind and distill like the dew through your flesh.'

' There is no warfare where the vision of God is. There is no disease where the healing Name is called. There is no inadequacy or failure while the Spirit of God is in the nostrils, inbreathed as the only breath. This is living truth.'

' If you love anybody, why don't you trust that love to straighten out the tangles between you ? Never mind what is interfering.'

' "Be still and know that I am God" "Look up to fields white for harvest,"(Jn 4:35) so shall old conditions dissolve; so shall the Holy Spirit arrive - white breath that makes strengthening wholeness.'

' They will preach the at-one-ment according to Science. They will tell you that when you have spoken the words of Jesus Christ till you are at one with the Mind of God so that you see only Love and Truth and Life and Health and Peace in all your experience, that then you have partaken of the only at-one-ment signified by the history of Jesus Christ. '

' Nothing shall by any means defeat us when we often lift up our eyes to Thee!'

' Restorations hail from above. Expect greatly from above and greatly shall restorations multiply.'

' This, too, is good; this, too, is God; this, too, is for me; and I demand to see the blessing in it for me.' ' Take your business as it is, and praise divine love that there is a strong, wise way out of your dilemma.'

' The man who molds the vital ethers of omnipresence by right thoughts about its bounty brings forth bountifully. '

' For love is stronger than death. He that hath love hath freedom from every ill.'

' Sight, beauty, strength, wisdom, lighted by one touch of divine fire cannot be stopped or limited.' ' Keep your eye on the Eternal, and your intellect will grow.'

' But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. - Malachi'

' Jesus taught that the body will shine with beauty if it is anchored above. So will the mind.' ' "Thy faith hath made thee whole."'

' Give glad, joyous praises every night, before going to sleep, to the Most High Good, that the Holy spirit fills your thoughts with ardor, and fires your affairs to splendid achievements.'

' Let Spirit utter itself.' ' By the subtle touch of grace descending, diseases unformulate.' ' Remember, that what you think is a wave of light going through the mental atmosphere of the world, and wherever your true thought strikes, somebody will be lifted off a bed of pain or healed of some sorrow.' -

' I praise God that there is a strong, wise way out of this dilemma.' ' The age of extreme religious sanctity and much checking of freedom is always followed by the license of immodesty and indulgence. Thus, the bondage of all beliefs becomes apparent: It is not Omniscience to believe anything. It is Omniscience to believe all things,which is to believe nothing. It is not Omnipotence to be powerful and dominant others. It is Omnipotence to be the only Power, which is Love. It is not Omnipresence to give instruction to mankind as to what to do and what not to do. It is Omnipresence to 'Let Be' and thus make manifest True Spiritual Being, the idea and demonstration of One Presence.'

' I now speak what I speak from my Jesus Christ Name. So atoms and angels speak a new heaven and a new earth into their own view, empowered by my tongue with its elixirs of fire. I speak and the universe uttereth itself.'

' Look out for zeal without judgement. Go alone by yourself and decide the question. Keep this text: - "God is with me." ' Often you catch the thoughts of others among whom you associate. Therefore, take notice of what your judgment spoke early in the morning. Say: "I am wise in Spirit." ' Earnest, faithful, kind. You express the kindness of the Divine Parent. Your word is: "The Lord God is my sun and shield."

' You have great powers of endurance if you have kept this saying: "I can do all things through Christ." You may be tenacious in your own way when you realize that it is right. Keep this text: "The tongue of the wise is health. "

' The world will persist in exhibiting before you what you persist in affirming the world is. ' ' The man who molds the vital ethers of omnipresence by right thoughts about its bounty brings forth bountifully.'

' Turn away from all events and persons in order to develop the consciousness of a mystic and become God-conscious as an inner identity. I stress the realization of the Perfect Presence, the ONLY Life in which the elevated consciusness does the work. God is all there is; there is no other life. The undifferentiated unity between the person and the world is the essence of the introversive mystical experience.'

"As Mary looked beyond all ideas into the God beyond ideas, she brought forth Jesus Christ." "The Holy Mother Mary will teach you how to love so that all hate shall be melted where you speak and where your face is seen." "The ministry of God is the Spirit of God, the Mother. The Mother is fair and kind and untouched by the name of sin, sickness or death." ' Say 'I do not believe it - not a word.'

'I do not believe that side of the question. I believe in success, victory, prosperity for me, in the name of Jesus Christ.'... you say it to all that troubles you... The old conditions must unglue, let go. God reigns. Believe it.'

' "Be still and know that I am God" Look up to fields white for harvest. so shall old conditions dissolve; so shall the Holy Spirit arrive - white breath that makes strengthening wholeness.' ' God lives in me in His strength and glory, He lives in me as my strength divine. By the light of His love I read life's story, And the key of the world is mine.'

' If God will support a man who spends all his time in spiritual devotions, why not devote your life to the Spirit? If God has all wisdom, why not make God your Counselor, your Guide, your Friend?'


Blogger The Hidden Mystic said...

Thank you for the Emma Curtis Hopkins Quotes. They are very inspirational, and I often use them in my blog. Have a nice day.

6:21 PM  

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