Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Healing Your Beliefs

"What's your single most important question about relieving your stress and anxiety?"
Physical illness and disease is just evidence of heart problems. It's like the flashing light on your car dashboard saying you need to change the oil or you're about out gas or you've got engine problems that you need to address or something like that. It's just evidence that something's wrong in the heart. We believe that because more than 3,000 years ago, a gentleman, who a lot of people believe is the wisest man who has ever lived-- his name is Solomon-- in ancient manuscripts, wrote "Guard you heart above everything else for from it flows all of the issues of life." And what you're talking about is a lot of issues in your life

Because remember, no matter what you think your problem is, maybe you think your problem is cancer, and that’s certainly a problem I don’t mean to minimize that, or you would say your problem is that you’re not succeeding at work the way you want, or whatever it is, remember that we believe that it always goes back to a spiritual issue which is a wrong belief. Those wrong beliefs are connected to your cellular memory. You don’t have to know what all of them are. Once you heal the beliefs that have been causing the self-sabotage problem, you can go on and that won’t be an issue. Once you heal the belief regarding not being able to live your life the way you want to, the you can go on and live your life the way you want to because those blocks aren’t there.

Dr. Alex Lloyd


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