Saturday, July 15, 2006

A New Start

So it is simple- if you relax after yoga - and eating live food / happy DNA - and you are in nature, your body compacts its electrical core into best fractality - you spit out mucous, you pee.. then you tingle, then you get immortal. Disease ends. You discover you begin remembering your dreams - predicting your ability to survive death by COHERENCE.
Our Implosion Group suggests making use of this info to:
a) completely start over to create curriculum in all architecture / agriculture schools.
b) complete start over - to reinvent government - for its only biologically sustainable purpose - the creation of immune system making, and biologically immortalizing human BLISS.
c) eliminate religion - the real cause of virtually all war- and deceitful governments like George Bush- and replace them with the Science of Bliss - which is the final, complete and ultimate form of human education - because it is how DNA absorbs information (charge).
If anyone asks how I learned the above- tell them it was BLISS.
------Dan Winter.


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