Thursday, August 23, 2007

Be the 100th Monkey

Be The 100th Monkey
By Susan Denham

Every day thousands of businesses across America close their doors. In each of those closed businesses, there is a dream that didn't take flight. Most of these businesses are started and ended within 2 years. It stands to reason that a lot of people are going into businesses they have no business being in, but their drive to succeed and nurture a dream that won't die, clouds their judgment, and they do it anyway.

Each of these failed businesses represents a broken heart, and in the collective consciousness of our planet, we are hard pressed to find a need for yet another broken heart, broken home, broken marriage, or broken dream. We've got enough of those already.

The true entrepreneur will take the lessons learned from that failed business, and after healing the gaping wounds, he'll go and, scars and all, start the next one. and the next one, and the next one. The spirit of a dreamer can be bruised, and battered, but only broken by choice.

Another closely related statistic is the number of domestic violence incidents reported. You know as well as I do that people fight over money. They fight over silly things most of the time, but when it comes to money, that's when things get really uptight. The young family that just moved in down the street may look like the picture-perfect image of the American Dream, but when that SUV has to go back to the bank, their home could become a war zone.

Half of the marriages starting out on any given day are doomed to failure. More broken hearts. More vibrational pollution in the Universal Consciousness.
But, all is not lost. We are responsible for our experience. We are powerful beyond measure, and we have the powerful responsibility of doing that thing that is in our power to do to change the trends of these statistics.
The 100th Monkey principle stems from the story about the Japanese Islands, researchers saw one very talented and brilliant young female (imagine that) monkey who learned how to wash the sand off her potatoes, and then she taught it to her young.

After a certain number of monkeys (not exactly 100, but it's hard to pinpoint) had learned to wash their potatoes in the stream, the researchers began to see monkeys on other islands who had no communication with the original batch of monkeys begin to wash their potatoes before eating.

There is a theory that after so many people learn a concept, that it is embedded in the morphogenetic field, a level of Universal Consciousness above our perception, but available to all of us. Once that knowledge is in the M field, It becomes "Common Knowledge" and no longer has to be struggled with. It's just "known" They call it the "100th Monkey" principle.

If you are a dreamer, you have the responsibility to become a success. If you are a broken hearted lover or failed businessperson, you have the responsibility to dust yourself off and try again. You MUST succeed. Because when enough people have proven that it CAN be done, the 100th Monkey principle will take effect, and people will begin starting businesses that are perfect for them, and families will be more permanent, and more peaceful.

You owe it to the struggling Single Mom to be successful, You owe it to the High School Graduate who is fighting against the idea of the 40 year lie, and you owe it to the soon-to-be-retired Army Lieutenant who sees a way to buy a boat to enjoy his retirement in, if he can just earn this certain amount in a certain time frame.
Their success will be more forthcoming if YOU fight your way through the unknowns, Data-smog, niggling details, etc. Fight the good fight, give your dreams wings, and live for the moment. The struggle is the reward, and your achievement is secondary to the thrill of the ride. Do this next thing, and then do the next thing. Let your successes build on each other, and your failures be only information.

Many products exist today that are intended to help you do just that. Consider the benefits of subconscious and mental programming. Technology is morphing into an always-ready assistant, helping us to communicate, organize, and now, even assist us in our self-improvement efforts.


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