Friday, June 09, 2006


One's action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be a mere rushing on. -- D.H. Lawrence

If you're lucky, you've seen them in all their jewel-like splendor hovering over your garden flowers. But did you know that the hummingbird is the only bird known to fly backwards, forwards and upside down, in addition to being able to hover? Their extremely rapid wing beat that goes as high as 200 beats per second, coupled with their unique ability to rotate their wings in a half circle are what make it possible for them to sit in sheer space. Goes to prove the possibility of remaining still even in the middle of intense activity!

Can you achieve stillness even in the middle of a busy day? The next time you catch yourself merely 'rushing on,' take a pause and then see what happens when you move from a space of internal calm.

Charity Focus


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