Sunday, March 02, 2008


Let us seek until we find:
the good hidden in our evil
the healing disguised in our pain
the light enfolded in our darkness
the potential mistaken for our emptiness
the unity inherent in our dividedness
the security underneath our insecurity
the blessing given in our adversity
the peace within our stress
the answer concealed in our questions
the strength ignored in our weakness
the genius masked in our stupidity
the freedom overlooked in our bondage
the joy implicit in our sorrow
the truth underlying our illusions and lies
the extraordinary possibilities in the ordinary
the courage denied in our fear
the riches unnoticed in our poverty
the love overwhelmed by our jealousy
the order within our chaos
the medicine signaled by our symptoms
the purpose arising out of our accidents and losses
the meaning lost in our tragedies
the sanity encased in our insanity
the aliveness erupting out of the death of God
the spirit symbolized in matter
the still small voice not heard in our noisiness
the infinity obscured in our finiteness
the divinity prohibited in our human unawareness

Carroll J. Wright, Ph. D.


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