Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Field

Review of The Field by Lynne McTaggart


In recent years there has been quite a bit of scientific research into the body/mind connection which can help us to understand what it is and how it works. In her recent book on this subject titled The Field Lynne McTaggart has collected a number of research findings into an easily read format. Her book suggests that there is a quantum connection between the earth, all living things and The Field she speaks of. Many other scientists have come to pretty much the same conclusion and are working to prove it with science. I think that a major component to such a proof will be the recognition and study of the ORMUS elements.

One of the main problems with current scientific theories in this area is the lack of a clearly defined and measurable substance to serve as the connection between The Field and matter. This problem is described in the following passage from McTaggart's book:

Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone network. The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one instrument.
What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level of quantum order, or coherence, possible in a living system. Usually, this coherence - called a Bose-Einstein condensate - is only observed in material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the laboratory in very cold places - just a few degrees above absolute zero - and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing.

How do quantum effects like coherence and "quantum non-locality" (being everywhere at once) get translated into biological systems? Dr. Mae-wan Ho says that quantum coherent effects have been measured in people. Dr. Philip Callahan says that he has measured quantum resonances in paramagnetic soil, the correlation between brain waves and the Schumann resonance of the earth, stone towers and in the behavior of insects. (See: )

Though Dr. Callahan has identified paramagnetic rock dust as a good source for the substances which act as the transducer of "Nature's Secret Force of Growth" (also known as The Field) he has not yet described methods for isolating the actual substances in this rock dust which have these quantum coherence enhancing effects.

I believe that researchers have found the substances that Lynne McTaggart is talking about. We call these substances ORMUS. More information about ORMUS can be found in an article on this subject at:

These materials were apparently known by the ancient alchemists of India, China, Persia, Israel and Egypt as well as the European alchemists of the middle ages. Magical and spiritual properties have always been attributed to the alchemical gold. (You can see some more specific references for this in a couple of articles at:

Another thing that is not explained in Dr. Callahan's work is how the paramagnetic substances from rock dust are taken up into trees where they become diamagnetic then, when the tree burns, the ashes are paramagnetic again. ORMUS theory has an explanation for this.

The ORMUS elements are present in rock, water and the air. In these different venues they have different properties depending on the molecules they surround themselves with.

Regardless of where they are, they behave as quantum coherent resonators which appear to provide a communication connection between each individual ORMUS component and all other ORMUS in the same quantum state.

It helps me to understand this by comparing the ORMUS elements to the air, which carries the vibrations of our voice as we talk. In this context the air is the carrier of information. We can sing praise through the air or curse an enemy through the air. The air carries each sound equally. The denser the air, the faster sound travels. Steel is even denser than air and this is why you can hear a train coming by putting your ear to a railroad track long before you hear the sound in the air.

The quantum coherent communication system, which we are postulating exists between the ORMUS elements, would work like infinitely-dense air and would, therefore, transfer information instantaneously or, perhaps, even faster.

McTaggart describes research which suggests that water is one medium of this coherent communication system especially in living plants and animals:

"This would mean that water is like a tape recorder, imprinting and carrying information whether the original molecule is still there or not. The shaking of the containers, as is done in homeopathy, appears to act as a method of speeding up this process. So vital is water to the transmission of energy and information that Benveniste's own studies actually demonstrate that molecular signals cannot be transmitted in the body unless you do so in the medium of water. In Japan, a physicist called Kunio Yasue of the Research Institute for Information and Science, Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, also found that water molecules have some role to play in organizing discordant energy into coherent photons - a process called 'superradiance'.
This suggests that water, as the natural medium of all cells, acts as the essential conductor of a molecule's signature frequency in all biological processes and that water molecules organize themselves to form a pattern on which can be imprinted wave information. If Benveniste is right, water not only sends the signal but also amplifies it."

I have written a couple of articles which expand on this subject. They can be found at:
Homeopathic Resonances and ORMUS

Living Water, Vital Air

In her book, Lynne McTaggart describes the work of the Global Consciousness Project at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab. She describes how dozens of random event generators (REGs) scattered around the world began to show unusual non-random effects a couple hours before the first plane hit the World Trade Center building and how these effects lasted for a couple of days after. You can read more about this effect at:

It appears that this information transfer is faster than instantaneous as it showed up before the event. Phil Callahan described something similar when he made his tachyon detector using a Ficus plant. The tachyon is a theoretical particle, which travels faster than the speed of light. Theoretically this would allow it to arrive before it left as described in a limerick:

There was a young lady named Bright
Who's speed was much faster than light.
She left home one day
In a relative way
And returned home the previous night.
Here is Callahan's description, from Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions, of his discovery and it's implications for agriculture:
The inescapable conclusion is that:
1. Tachyons do exist.
2. They occur, as predicted by Dr. Cope, in conjunction with weak magnetic monopoles.
3. They are easily detected by living plants.
4. Therefore, living plants (of interest to farmers) are indeed superconductors.
5. An entomologist was the first scientist to detect tachyons.
Physicists have always maintained that if something mathematically ought to exist, then it probably does. It then becomes a matter of learning how to detect and manipulate such phenomenon.
Of what use to modern man, and especially to agriculture, is the knowledge that monopoles and tachyons actually exist? One thing that immediately comes to mind is that since a leaf is an antenna superconductor detector and computer, then the collection of monopole and tachyon particles by the leaf is probably tied to the miracle of photosynthesis.
With the ORMUS elements I think we can demonstrate a system of instantaneous communication that takes place between all living things and, perhaps, even with spirit.
It helps me to think of the ORMUS materials as tiny cell phones in every living cell. When the ORMUS elements are depleted, by modern chemical agriculture and food preparation technology, these cell phones behave as if their batteries are weak and their antennas are broken. This means that they can only reach to the cell next door but cannot maintain continuous coherent communication with the cells in your big toe, for example.

When we eat foods grown in soil where the ORMUS elements have been replaced by the addition of paramagnetic rock dust or ocean water precipitate it is like they go into these cell phones; recharging their batteries and repairing their antennas so that coherent communication can take place between all of the cells of the body. It is like the small signal power of each cell phone is reinforced by resonance with the signal of every other cell phone so that instead of a single five-watt phone you have a trillion watt transmitter capable of communicating with the farthest reaches of the universe instantaneously.

There is growing scientific evidence that space itself can store information. Some scientists call this the "zero point field" or the "implicate order". Lynne McTaggart calls it "The Field". (Because it is a new concept to science every scientist will coin her or his own terms to describe it.) Regardless of what it is called we are mostly interested in what it does. Here is her description of how information might be stored in non-physical realms:

"Walter Schempp's explosive discovery about quantum memory set off the most outrageous idea of all: short- and long-term memory doesn't reside in our brain at all, but instead is stored in the Zero Point Field. After Pribram's discoveries, a number of scientists, including systems theorist Ervin Laszlo, would go on to argue that the brain is simply the retrieval and read-out mechanism of the ultimate storage medium - The Fie1d. Pribram's associates from Japan would hypothesize that what we think of as memory is simply a coherent emission of signals from the Zero Point Field, and that longer memories are a structured grouping of this wave information. If this were true, it would explain why one tiny association often triggers a riot of sights, sounds and smells. It would also explain why, with long-term memory in particular, recall is instantaneous and doesn't require any scanning mechanism to sift though years and years of memory."
Dr. William Tiller recently published some research which suggests that human intent can be stored in physical structures. You can read a description of Tiller's research at:

Dr. Tiller has also worked with Dr. Vladimir Poponen, one of the researchers who discovered the "Phantom DNA Effect". I had an opportunity to discuss the Phantom DNA Effect with Vladimir a few months ago and he described it thus: First laser interferometry was done on a space for a baseline. Then the laser interference pattern was recorded from a DNA sample placed in the same space. Finally, the laser beam was sent through the same space again without the DNA in it to establish that the baseline was still valid.

The researchers expected that the first and last interference patterns would be nearly identical while the DNA interference pattern would show a difference. Unexpectedly the last interference pattern was a closer match to the DNA pattern than it was to the original baseline pattern in unoccupied air.

This result was so unexpected--that there was some sort of non-physical DNA pattern attached to the space--that they set up an automatic system to repeat the interferometry continuously for a month. They determined that the DNA interference pattern continued to occupy the space for the entire month.

These results were so astounding that they repeated this experiment four times in Russia and Vladimir has repeated it a couple times since he came to the United States.

The implications here are that this is evidence that there is a non-physical template for DNA. The great physicist David Bohm claimed that all of reality was a manifestation of something he called the "implicate order". The British biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake proposed that there was a similar biological template that he called the "morphogenic field".

If the ORMUS elements make a better connection to the non-physical template of physical reality then we might predict that they would facilitate the transfer of information from the non-physical DNA template to the DNA in the body. If the body's DNA was damaged one might expect that this would tend to repair it. David Hudson, who first made the ORMUS materials known to science, suggests that this is the mechanism whereby people are getting over cancer after ingesting concentrated ORMUS materials. In his 1995 Dallas lecture he said:

"Now what does it do in the body? It literally corrects the DNA, by a process the equivalent of a denaturing solution, the DNA relaxes and recombines corrected. So all diseases that originate with a problem with the DNA can be corrected".
Again the implications of this are incredible!
The research cited in McTaggart's book suggests that "mind over matter" effects can be stronger and more coherent in certain circumstances:

"Being of the same sex tended to have a very slight negative effect. These types of couples had a worse outcome than they achieved individually; with eight pairs of operators the results were the very opposite of what was intended. Couples of the opposite sex, all of whom knew each other, had a powerful complementary effect, producing more than three and a half times the effect of individuals. However, 'bonded' pairs, those couples in a relationship, had the most profound effect, which was nearly six times as strong as that of single operators."
"Strangest of all, the size of the effect on the agitated group by those trying to calm them down was only slightly less than the effect that people had on themselves when using relaxation techniques. In statistical terms, it meant that other people could have almost the same mind-body effect on you that you could have on yourself. Letting someone else express a good intention for you was almost as good as using biofeedback on yourself.

Braud tried a similar study showing that you could also help someone else focus his or her attention by remote influence. Once again, the effects were largest among those whose attention seemed to wander the most."

"The perfect opportunity to look closer at the nature of collective memory and resonance arose during a trip to Egypt. Nelson decided to attend a two-week tour of Egypt with a group of nineteen colleagues, planning to visit the main temples and sacred sites of the ancient Egyptians, where they would carry out a series of informal ceremonies, such as chanting and meditation. This trip would give him the chance to see whether people engaged in meditative activities at these sites - the kind of activities, in a sense, for which the sites had originally been built - had even more effect on the machines. Nelson kept a PalmREG [Palm computer based Random Event Generator] running in his coat pocket during visits to all the major sites - the great Sphinx, the Temples of Karnak and Luxor, the Great Pyramid of Giza. The PalmREG was on while the group meditated or chanted and when they were simply wandering through the temples, and even during moments when he was on his own, touring or meditating. He also kept a careful record of times when various activities had occurred.

When he'd returned home and compiled all his data, an interesting pattern emerged. The strongest effects on the machine occurred during times when the group was engaged in a ritual such as chanting at a sacred site. In most of the main pyramids, the effects had been six times that of ordinary REG trials at PEAR and twice those of ordinary FieldREG trials. These were among the largest effects he'd seen - as large as those for a bonded couple. But when he put together all the data of the twenty-seven sacred sites he'd visited, while simply walking around them with no more than a respectful silence, the results were even more astounding. The spirit of the place itself appeared to register effects every bit as large as the meditating group."

How might we use the scientific information in Lynne McTaggart's book to improve our success with various mind/body healing techniques?
First, it would be nice to increase the concentration of the substances she speaks of as being Bose-Einstein condensates that enhance quantum coherence in the body. We have generated a lot of free information about how to make or extract these substances and made it available to everyone. You can find some of these methods on this web site at:

Second, we might consider using techniques which are successful at accessing the non-physical "zero point field" like prayer and meditation in order to strengthen our connection with this source of knowledge.

Third, healing circles which include bonded men and women may be more effective than same gender healing circles.

Fourth, sacred places appear to set up a resonant field which promotes coherent healing forces.

Just as hypnotism has improved between Mesmer's discovery of "animal magnetism" and Milton H. Erickson's Ericksonian Hypnotism, I am sure that we will discover many other techniques related to the subtle energy healing methods as we begin to apply scientific methods to our exploration.

This is obviously an area in which we must rely more strongly on intuitive observations and ideas than traditional science. Our intuitive discoveries should, nevertheless, be examined with scientific rigor using some of the new measurement tools that science is providing.

We can use tools like the Prognos diagnosis device to verify muscle testing and dowsing results. We can also use the random event generators to help us redesign healing circles for greater benefit.

Lynne McTaggart's book suggests that there is growing scientific evidence of a Field which underlies and connects everything that is. As I understand it, this Field would be synonymous with an omnipresent God.

The ORMUS elements give us a way to get our hands on the substance that may be our connection to this Field. It is like finding the Biblical "manna" or the "shewbread" that the gold smith Bezaleel made for King Solomon's temple.

This is the most exciting thing I can think of; the discovery of a substance that is half way between spirit and matter! A substance that can improve the food we eat and our health from that food at the same time! A substance that ties in to the most fundamental discoveries of modern science! A substance that was known to ancient mystics and alchemists! A substance that accesses the zero point for technology like energy production and levitation! Is there anything more full of wonder than this?

Thursday, February 22, 2007



There is only one thing more powerful than all the armies of the world, that is an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
- Albert Einstein

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.
- William Faulkner, in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it -
- Mahatma Gandhi

To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.
- Stephen W. Hawking

The visible world is the invisible organization of energy.
- Physicist Heinz Pagels

There is no reality in the absence of observation.
- The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

No theory of reality compatible with quantum theory can require spatially separate events to be independent.
- J.S. Bell

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
- Niels Bohr

Curiouser and curiouser!
- Lewis Carroll

Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.
- Claude Bernard

The warrior steps forth to accept the unknown and challenge disbelief, for if it lies in mind it Is, by God!
- Ramtha

If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it
is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is
you who are that poverty.
- Jesus

There are grounds for cautious optimism that we may now be near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature.
- Stephen W. Hawking

I believe there is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are impossible.
- William James

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
- Lewis Carroll

Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.
- Niels Bohr

To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.
- Copernicus

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.
- Albert Einstein

The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.
- Niels Bohr

....the sense of being which in calm hours arises, we know not how, in the soul, is not diverse from things, from space, from light, from time, from man, but one with them and proceeds obviously from the same source.... Here
is the fountain of action and of thought.... We lie in the lap of immense intelligence.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The power of Thought, the magic of the Mind!
- Lord Byron

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.
- Niels Bohr

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mystical. It is the source of all true art and science.
- Albert Einstein

Not only does God play dice, but... he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.
- Stephen W. Hawking

We have actually touched the Borderland where Matter and Force seem to merge into one another, the shadowy realm between the Known and Unknown ... I venture to think that the greatest scientific problems of the future will find their solution in this Borderland, and even beyond; here, it seems to me, lie Ultimate Realities, subtle, far-reaching, wonderful.
- Sir William Crookes, 1879

Do you remember how electrical currents and "unseen waves" were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy.
- Albert Einstein

It gives me a deep comforting sense that ‘things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal.’
- Helen Keller

The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
- Oscar Wilde

You cannot see anything that you do not first contemplate as a reality.
- Ramtha

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.
- William James

We feel and know that we are eternal.
- Edmund Spenser

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of being.
- Carl Jung

Time is not a line, but a series of now points.
- Taisen Deshimaru

How could there be any question of acquiring or possessing, when the one thing needful for a man is to become - to be at last, and to die in the fullness of his being.
- Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Consciousness is a being, the nature of which is to be conscious of the nothingness of its being.
- Jean-Paul Sartre

The spirit down here in man and the spirit up there in the sun, in reality are only one spirit, and there is no other one.
- The Upanishads

The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
- Archibald MacLeish

The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.
- Aart Van Der Leeuw

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the law of the universe will be simpler.
- H.D. Thoreau

Cease from practice based on intellectual understanding, pursuing words, and following after speech, and learn the backward step that turns your light inward to illuminate your self. Body and mind of themselves will drop away,
and your original face will be manifest.
- Dogen

Although each of us obviously inhabits a separate physical body, the laboratory data from a hundred years of parapsychology research strongly indicate that there is no separation in consciousness.
- Russell Targ

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
- Carl Gustav Jung

I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a manmade world.
- Helen Keller

The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing knowledge.
- Albert Einstein

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on.
- Winston Churchill

The truth dazzles gradually, or else the world would be blind.
- Emily Dickinson

Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish; every sweet word will fade, But do not be disheartened, The source they come from
is eternal, growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you and this whole world is springing up from it.
- Rumi

A full-spectrum approach to human consciousness and behavior means that men and women have available to them a spectrum of knowing -a spectrum that includes, at the very least, the eye of flesh, the eye of mind, and the eye
of spirit.
- Ken Wilber

All speech, action, and behavior are fluctuations of consciousness. All life emerges from, and is sustained in, consciousness. The whole universe is the expression of consciousness. The reality of the universe is one unbounded
ocean of consciousness in motion.
- Maharishi

Consciousness is the basis of all life and the field of all possibilities. Its nature is to expand and unfold its full potential. The impulse to evolve is thus inherent in the very nature of life.
- Maharishi

Knowledge is structured in consciousness. The process of education takes place in the field of consciousness; the prerequisite to complete education is therefore the full development of consciousness -- enlightenment. Knowledge is not the basis of enlightenment, enlightenment is the basis of knowledge.
- Maharishi

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
- Maharishi

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
- Giordano Bruno

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own.
- Lichtenberg

That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as exists in man, even if during his waking state he may know nothing about it... We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself.
- Paracelsus

When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven, as it were, and from it the work that he desires to create flows into him...For such is the immensity of man that he is greater than heaven and earth.
- Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus

The universe on a very basic level could be a vast web of particles which remain in contact with one another over distance, and in no time.
- R. Nadeau and M. Kafatos

Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
- Chief Seattle

The state of least excitation of consciousness is the field of all possibilities.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

If I could take all your words away and give you but a sparse few, they would be: ‘I now know, I am absolute, I am complete, I am God, I am.’ If there were no other words but these, you would no longer be limited to this
- Ramtha

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity...and I'm not sure about the universe.
- Albert Einstein

....perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself.
- Plato

Know thyself.
- Socrates

Reality is not only stranger than we suppose but stranger than we can suppose.
- J. B. S. Haldane

Quit thy childhood, my friend, and wake up!
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.
- Albert Einstein

Suddenly, from behind the rim of the moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate, sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white, rising
gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth…home. My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity.
- Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
- Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winning Father of Quantum Theory

A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.
- James Joyce, Ulysses

I have yet to meet a single person from our culture, no matter what his or her educational background, IQ, and specific training, who had powerful transpersonal experiences and continues to subscribe to the materialistic
monism of Western science.
- Albert Einstein

A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend upon the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received and am still
- Albert Einstein

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
- Albert Einstein

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness, in a descending
spiral of destruction. The chain reaction of evil must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In the century now dawning, spirituality, visionary consciousness, and the ability to build and mend human relationships will be more important for the fate and safety of this nation than our capacity to forcefully subdue an enemy. Creating the world we want is a much more subtle but more powerful mode of operation than destroying the one we don't want.
- Marianne Williamson

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
- Galileo

To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.
- Confucius

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
- Winston Churchill

Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.
- John Maynard Keynes

We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
- T. S. Eliot

Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.
- Democritus

All great truths begin as blasphemies.
- George Bernard Shaw

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters to what lies within us.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

What we are looking for is what is looking.
- St. Francis of Assisi

Why is it we prefer to believe in the devil we know rather than in the god we don’t know?
Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Amma Healing the Heart of the World
A Biography by Judith Cornell

The healing power of love, forgiving the unforgivable and the gifts of Divine Mother in her many manifestations are the themes of this biography of a remarkable woman, a living saint. "My life is my message," Gandhi said.

Amma's life begins in abject physical poverty and emotional abuse. As a child her divine incarnation was viewed as mental illness; a clear embarrassment to her overburdened family and superstitious village.

A blue baby at birth, Amma was not expected to survive. Only eight of her thirteen siblings lived into adulthood. Girl infants were not celebrated and this tiny child was very dark-skinned giving her superstitious and prejudiced family ever more reason to mistreat her. Amma would later claim significant spiritual advantages as a direct result of painful early years. These experiences led her to understand that people love conditionally. God alone loves without desire for a return on the investment.

A balancing of planetary energies had scarcely begun. On June 5, 2000 the U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan declared that "…not only do women belong on this planet, but (that) the future of this planet depends on women."

At six months of age, Amma simply stood and walked. Shortly thereafter she began to talk and, to the horror of those around her, could be found conversing with trees, plants and animals. While still in the bloom of childhood she was farmed out as a servant and routinely beaten for giving food to those poorer than herself. Her oldest brother mocked her and destroyed any small possession she had been given. Amma filled her life with spiritual practices.

By the time she was nineteen years old, her waking hours were focused on God. She routinely recognized the divine in trees, plants, animals and children by hugging and kissing them. People around her began to demand "proof." "Show us a miracle!" became their mantra and she turned water to milk and then to pudding. Asthma was healed and Amma became enough of a threat that an assassination was attempted.

A group of "rationalists" formed the Committee to Remove Blind Beliefs. Not wanting to stain their own hands, they hired a black magician who prepared a potion guaranteed to kill.

During Amma's initiation period, she was extremely sensitive to foods that had to be prepared under very special conditions. During her transformation, Amma experienced the Divine Mother merging within her and she "perceived that the universe itself was Divine Mother's physical body." As a result of this experience she made a conscious decision to manifest only love and compassion, qualities attributed to the feminine aspect of God. "I felt this was what our world needed."

Amma has become "the Hugging Saint." As she holds someone, their own spiritual awakening is said to increase in the simple presence of her manifestation of Divine Mother. She takes on their physical afflictions and suffers only briefly what they might suffer a lifetime.
India has its battalions of skeptical scientists who have extensively studied Amma. She told them that their collective scientific vision is too narrow because they don't consider the possibilities of dimensions beyond their current perceptual abilities.

Dr. Srivastava has been trained as a physicist and in the spiritual science of India. He holds that "Most people are fragmented personalities. And that fragmentation causes disharmony and chaos. If a person is not in harmony in his own being, how can he experience harmony in the world?"

Amma is a fully integrated personality, a living saint who encourages people to continue with their own spiritual practices and to look beyond their own needs to the needs of the planet and all of her occupants.

This woman with only a fourth grade education who preaches love in action is "walking her talk." She has founded over two hundred ashrams, many schools, built a state of the art medical hospital, established orphanages and a monthly pension fund for destitute women. Currently she is building twenty-five thousand free homes for the poor.

Amma's life is her message.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quotes From Emma Curtis Hopkins

Quotes from Scientific Christian Mental Practice. Emma Curtis Hopkins (You can buy used copies of this book from Amazon for $4.33)

' Faith can fulfill your slightest wish.'

If God is your world, what have you to fear ? '

' Look often to the Vast, Vast Countenance.' ' Great believers in miracles draw them. '

' Touch not the earth - touch God !'

' We must woo and woo the Majesty and Responsive Beneficence ever facing us. Our wooing will be astonishingly rewarded.'

'If you can redden your face with a thought, you can straighten your crooked bones with a thought.'

' some power whereby the trees leave forth.'

' There is no combination of experiences so hard, so black, so complicated but that God can work a miracle in them. '

' Take your highest thought of God.'

' Let us never flinch at what is happening around us. What is transpiring above us is our concern. And this wins all battles; for the kingdom across the bar is the Ruling Kingdom. '

' By continually keeping His name you have everlasting rest in delightful companionship, unbroken family life, abundant blessings greater than you can ask or even think.'

' Let me tell you the twelve effects of thinking of the Spirit: You will have life, health, strength, support, defense, thinking faculty, wise speech, ability to record well your ideas, joyous song, skill in carrying out your principles, beauty of judgment, and great love.'

' A woman who had no faith but had been told what wonder might be wrought through faith sat down and deliberately determined to learn it. She sat down in the midst of her poverty and loneliness with her little children about her and practiced learning. She seemed shiftless to her neighbors, but it was astonishing what "luck" that woman always had. Something good was always "turning up." Her children were all talented, beautiful, prosperous. '

' Men may gather all the gold into a lump, and say you cannot have any, but by some way of Spirit you will come out with more abundant riches than all the rest put together. They may hold arguments and try psychological processes to chain your mind or change it, but the Spirit will make a way with you to keep you free from all such attempts. You will elude every mental opposition as easily as you elude material things. Jesus came through their belief that he was dead.'

' a man kept praising God that he was so well, while a great tumor or some other kind of swelling was plain to be seen by his neighbors. But he praised God publicly that he was so well for a whole fortnight. Long before the fortnight was up he was well, so that even his neighbors could see it so. '

' To say that 'My Good is supply, God is my Good, therefore God is my supply' is to stir the mountains and the seas to bring us our new provisions.'

' Looking, mentally, upon Jesus Christ as present, will cure poverty; it will cure blindness ; it will cure deafness; it will cure palsy; it will cure rheumatism; it will cure insanity. '

' He, never having gone away from our side, we can look upon Him now, and be cured of whatever ailment we are crying about.'

' Many will tell of how wonderfully they have been led by repeating the name of Jesus Christ. There was never any other character in history who gave orders to keep repeating his name. '

'There is one indestructuble substance pervading all things, from the remotest star to the nearest dust particle. This substance is finer than any substance cognized by the senses. It is finer than the attraction of gravitation, cohesion, destruction. It can only be cognized by the mind. It can only be handled by the thoughts of the mind. And only the understanding of the mind can make it useful. He who by any manner of thinking handles this substance soon finds himself experiencing vital renewals throughout body and mind. He has begun the 'animation of the particular from the universal,' an art eagerly sought by the ancients. ' '

"I would know none among you save Jesus Christ, " said Paul to the Corinthians. '

' Who now is ignoring every disastrous state of affairs, and separating himself to the One Name by which the first Apostles wrought their miracles? - Jesus Christ is that Name.' ' ... receiving the Holy Spirit that alone makes whole. ' '

"The Spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord(Ps 20:27.)" And by recognizing this candle sound health is established in the outer experience.'

' When we know God, we have touched the very substance which can inform us how to work each minute wisely, so as to be clothed and fed and housed and healed, without any other process than simply knowing God. '

' It is ideas of God which if you shepherd well, will get you into that state of mind called heaven, when you have health, judgment, prosperity. '

' When we are spiritual, we do not try to bring great things to pass, yet they come to pass. ' ' The most wonderful achievements of mankind have been brought to pass by confidence in some wonder-working unseen power. '

' As God is free now, so we are free now.'

' Isnt it a joy to you to know that you within yourself the power to annull every evil thing?'

' The ginger and glow of unvisioning life, cease for such as know that their true provisions and their true positions come from above, and nothing and nobody can take them from them. The Countenance that shines hot with healing tenderness and with rich giving is of more value than all that can possibly come by the clash of endeavor.'

' Let us say, "Poverty is unreality; there is no such thing as poverty; poverty is nothing to Spirit. Spirit owns all things."'

' Nobody need strive or haste for his prosperity if his faith is fixed, and his words keep repeating his covenant.'

' In the Lord's house is much treasure.'

' There is a self-supporting power in the Holy Spirit which, when you let it operate unhindered through you, leads straight to your substantial support.'

' "As I look into the God who is support beyond my idea of sustaining and supporting, I bring forth the plenty I see as I look." '

' There are ways of thinking about your environment which will make you like a harp in the fingers of love, so enchanting will be your silent mind to the world hurt traveller, so blessed will sound your voice to the bruised child of human hardships. You need not worry about whether you shall speak or not. You will have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel if you take the fresh morning for giving thanks and glad praises unto the spirit and speak forth with freedom some lesson of this Science. '

' We cannot fail while we are daily speaking the lofty principles of that Kingdom on the Earth, though not of it, which will come up before our vision more and more. '

' Always high vision stirs right speech, silent or audible, and right speech silent or audible stirs right convictions, and the accomplishment of the seemingly impossible is the outcome.'

' Error can come in bright packages of beautiful words, but it is better to have a mind of your own.' ' We must give our strict attention to something supernally worth while.'

' The ancient Bible taught that it is good to tame the mind, which is difficult to hold in and very flighty, rushing whither it listeth, but once tamed it will bring you great happiness.' ' Let us say to unhappiness, "There is no unhappiness in Spirit; All is joyous peace." And let us say within our own minds, "Now !now !" '

' We take the conscious teachings and train ourselves till our machine-like bodies spring to as quick intelligence as our consciousness itself.'

' Health sits in as a first sign of spirituality.'

' Take some wine of doctrine, stronger and warmer ideas of life.'

' The only thing worth working for is a right state of mind.' ' say positively, "I do not believe it takes hard work to succeed in Gods universe."'

' There is no part of the body that may not open and indraw the subtler-than-air stimulants that would soon burst forth as strength.'

' The soft flakes of healing are falling all around you all the time, even on your shadow.'

' "God works through me to will and do that which ought to be done by me." Be sure this is true. It is a great rest to think how many unnecessary things we have been doing that we are now relieved from doing. '

' Be not tenacious of your own will. Be not exacting. Let Go. All is well around you: say: Rest in the Lord and He shall bring it to pass.'

' "I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. "' ' You are so ready with your abilities that you soon become known as a leader among your associates if you learned early this: --"Jesus Christ is all in all." --'

' Give thanks, and praise the Spirit of God for the law of the self-increasing potency of every substance.'

' Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.' ' say often, "There is only one God - one."'

' Deny that there are any causes, or results of causes, in you or around you, that could lead to disease, poverty, or failure. Take yourself for each year. '

' If I were to be asked directly as to the quickest way for a Scientist to get his healing power going, I would probably say Praise, everything and everyone in your mind, and as far as your mental convictions will demonstrate promptly, speak these praises aloud.'

' There is a faculty of your health whereby it loves to drop thru your mind and distill like the dew through your flesh.'

' There is no warfare where the vision of God is. There is no disease where the healing Name is called. There is no inadequacy or failure while the Spirit of God is in the nostrils, inbreathed as the only breath. This is living truth.'

' If you love anybody, why don't you trust that love to straighten out the tangles between you ? Never mind what is interfering.'

' "Be still and know that I am God" "Look up to fields white for harvest,"(Jn 4:35) so shall old conditions dissolve; so shall the Holy Spirit arrive - white breath that makes strengthening wholeness.'

' They will preach the at-one-ment according to Science. They will tell you that when you have spoken the words of Jesus Christ till you are at one with the Mind of God so that you see only Love and Truth and Life and Health and Peace in all your experience, that then you have partaken of the only at-one-ment signified by the history of Jesus Christ. '

' Nothing shall by any means defeat us when we often lift up our eyes to Thee!'

' Restorations hail from above. Expect greatly from above and greatly shall restorations multiply.'

' This, too, is good; this, too, is God; this, too, is for me; and I demand to see the blessing in it for me.' ' Take your business as it is, and praise divine love that there is a strong, wise way out of your dilemma.'

' The man who molds the vital ethers of omnipresence by right thoughts about its bounty brings forth bountifully. '

' For love is stronger than death. He that hath love hath freedom from every ill.'

' Sight, beauty, strength, wisdom, lighted by one touch of divine fire cannot be stopped or limited.' ' Keep your eye on the Eternal, and your intellect will grow.'

' But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. - Malachi'

' Jesus taught that the body will shine with beauty if it is anchored above. So will the mind.' ' "Thy faith hath made thee whole."'

' Give glad, joyous praises every night, before going to sleep, to the Most High Good, that the Holy spirit fills your thoughts with ardor, and fires your affairs to splendid achievements.'

' Let Spirit utter itself.' ' By the subtle touch of grace descending, diseases unformulate.' ' Remember, that what you think is a wave of light going through the mental atmosphere of the world, and wherever your true thought strikes, somebody will be lifted off a bed of pain or healed of some sorrow.' -

' I praise God that there is a strong, wise way out of this dilemma.' ' The age of extreme religious sanctity and much checking of freedom is always followed by the license of immodesty and indulgence. Thus, the bondage of all beliefs becomes apparent: It is not Omniscience to believe anything. It is Omniscience to believe all things,which is to believe nothing. It is not Omnipotence to be powerful and dominant others. It is Omnipotence to be the only Power, which is Love. It is not Omnipresence to give instruction to mankind as to what to do and what not to do. It is Omnipresence to 'Let Be' and thus make manifest True Spiritual Being, the idea and demonstration of One Presence.'

' I now speak what I speak from my Jesus Christ Name. So atoms and angels speak a new heaven and a new earth into their own view, empowered by my tongue with its elixirs of fire. I speak and the universe uttereth itself.'

' Look out for zeal without judgement. Go alone by yourself and decide the question. Keep this text: - "God is with me." ' Often you catch the thoughts of others among whom you associate. Therefore, take notice of what your judgment spoke early in the morning. Say: "I am wise in Spirit." ' Earnest, faithful, kind. You express the kindness of the Divine Parent. Your word is: "The Lord God is my sun and shield."

' You have great powers of endurance if you have kept this saying: "I can do all things through Christ." You may be tenacious in your own way when you realize that it is right. Keep this text: "The tongue of the wise is health. "

' The world will persist in exhibiting before you what you persist in affirming the world is. ' ' The man who molds the vital ethers of omnipresence by right thoughts about its bounty brings forth bountifully.'

' Turn away from all events and persons in order to develop the consciousness of a mystic and become God-conscious as an inner identity. I stress the realization of the Perfect Presence, the ONLY Life in which the elevated consciusness does the work. God is all there is; there is no other life. The undifferentiated unity between the person and the world is the essence of the introversive mystical experience.'

"As Mary looked beyond all ideas into the God beyond ideas, she brought forth Jesus Christ." "The Holy Mother Mary will teach you how to love so that all hate shall be melted where you speak and where your face is seen." "The ministry of God is the Spirit of God, the Mother. The Mother is fair and kind and untouched by the name of sin, sickness or death." ' Say 'I do not believe it - not a word.'

'I do not believe that side of the question. I believe in success, victory, prosperity for me, in the name of Jesus Christ.'... you say it to all that troubles you... The old conditions must unglue, let go. God reigns. Believe it.'

' "Be still and know that I am God" Look up to fields white for harvest. so shall old conditions dissolve; so shall the Holy Spirit arrive - white breath that makes strengthening wholeness.' ' God lives in me in His strength and glory, He lives in me as my strength divine. By the light of His love I read life's story, And the key of the world is mine.'

' If God will support a man who spends all his time in spiritual devotions, why not devote your life to the Spirit? If God has all wisdom, why not make God your Counselor, your Guide, your Friend?'

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Improving Your Marriage

Little Tricks to Make Your Marriage Much, Much Happier
Harville Hendrix, PhD

The path to a more loving relationship is tread with small steps -- with an unexpected compliment... the touch of a hand... or a call just to say "hello." You can spend thousands of dollars on a big anniversary bash for your spouse, but the celebration won't mean much if you haven't said "I love you" on the other days of the year.

Some little things that can make your marriage better...

Honor "otherness." The longer we're married, the more we tend to forget that we're married to another person. We begin to think of our spouses as extensions of ourselves -- then we get frustrated when they act in ways that we wouldn't. We say things like, "Why would you do something like that?" or "How can you think that?" These reactions overlook the fact of difference, that our partners are not a part of us and that they have their own reality.
"Otherness" is part of being married -- no two people are completely compatible. Be curious about these differences, not critical. Ask your spouse why he holds an opinion or took a certain action. Don't make him feel that he is wrong. Validate the opinion or action with a response such as, "I can see the sense of that."

Eliminate negativity. If there's something about your relationship or your partner's behavior that you don't like, it rarely helps to complain about it. Instead, ask for what you want.
Examples: Rather than say, "You never take me out to eat," try, "I'd like it if we went out to eat more." Instead of "We don't have sex anymore," say, "I'd like us to have sex more often." Then turn your statement into a dialogue by adding, "What do you think?" This approach makes it less likely that your partner will feel attacked and more likely that you'll get what you want. Strive to eliminate negativity -- it injures your partner and ruptures your connection. Requests change behavior more often than complaints.

Make the bedroom a problem-free zone. Everyone needs a place where he can feel safe and happy. If you and your spouse agree to ban arguments and serious discussions from the bedroom, you will end each day together in a place of serenity. Select another place in your home for serious discussions, such as the living room -- and set a time limit on those discussions.

Acknowledge the little things your partner does for you. Perhaps your spouse makes you breakfast every morning or changes the oil in your car. You might consider such chores to be his responsibilities, but that doesn't free you from your responsibility to express thanks. It's wonderful to have someone in your life who does things for you. The fact that your partner helps you out on a regular basis makes his efforts even more worthy of praise, not something to be ignored. Helpful: When you express gratitude for your spouse's contributions, say it like you mean it and be specific about what you appreciate. A heartfelt statement such as, "I love that you look at me when I am talking. Thank you," means more than an offhand "Thanks."

Take the initiative. We forget that feelings of tenderness between partners don't just happen -- we must take the initiative to remind our spouses that we still love them. What you do to accomplish this isn't terribly important, so long as you do something daily that shows your spouse you're thinking of him. Call her from work on your lunch hour just to say "hello"... bring him a cup of coffee in the morning... or touch her shoulder and say, "I love you," as you walk by.

Touch your partner the way he likes to be touched. Sharing a touch makes us feel closer to each other -- yet few couples take the time to enjoy each other's touch in nonsexual ways. Some people like back rubs... others prefer foot rubs or just a touch on the face. If you're not sure what your partner likes, ask him. Make touch an everyday routine until it becomes second nature.

Laugh together. Share a funny anecdote or cartoon. Do whatever it takes to laugh with your spouse on a regular basis, even if it’s simply watching a humorous movie or television show together. Emotional memories stay with us on a much deeper level than other memories. If you laugh often with your spouse, the whole emotional center of your lives together will improve.

Receive compliments well. Many people don't know how to handle a compliment. If you say that you like his shirt, he might say, "Oh, it's old." People brush off compliments because they have inner doubts about their abilities or they're trying to be modest. If you regularly dismiss compliments from your spouse, you'll hurt his feelings, strain your relationship and bring the compliments to an end. Instead say, "Thank you. I like hearing that and appreciate your noticing." Let your spouse's compliment in and accept the warmth being sent your way.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

You Create

Enjoy this brief movie clip about your ability to create by Christopher Wester

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Secret behind The Secret, by Dale Dwoskin

The law of attraction is a Great Secret of Life.

What is the law of attraction? Simply put, the law of attraction states that “Like attracts like.” What this universal law tells us about our own lives is that the thoughts we think, feelings we feel, words we say, and actions we take all consist of energy that attracts to it more of its own kind. That is, negative energies attract negative energies, and positive energies attract positive energies.

Yet most of us cannot control how we think, feel and behave no matter how hard we try, yet ...We need to let go of the old in order to make room for the new.

There is a simple and effective way to take charge of the law of attraction and easily let go of the old and hold in mind what you want and attract it to you. This technique is used by over one-third of the teachers in The Secret.
Letting go of the old

If we truly have over 50,000 thoughts a day, that’s a lot of thoughts to try to control and make positive. Yet if we “wake up on the wrong side of the bed,” we can have the same feeling the whole day coloring every thought. So it is much more effective to master our emotions than simply trying to control our thoughts.

We are creating the sum total of our thinking and feeling about any particular topic all the time, but most of thinking and feeling is below our conscious awareness in our subconscious. In fact, 94-96% of our actions are motivated by the thoughts and feelings that are outside of our conscious awareness and control. When you let go of your conscious feelings you empty your subconscious and you take back your control.

So, how do you use the law of attraction in your life to produce the results you want?

Letting go of your thoughts and feelings actually dissolves the negative emotional charge and allows you to easily feel the natural feelings of joy, peace, happiness, wealth, and love that are your true nature. You can let go of anything negative and uncover the positive that is natural in each and every one of us at our core. This will quickly and dramatically shift your sum total thinking and feeling about your goals and dreams and allow you to put the law of attraction into full effect in your life. No doubt about it, letting go is the secret behind The Secret.

Remember, to create what you want it is important to feel what you want and not just think it. There is no more effective way to let go of your negative emotions and feel the positive outcome of your goals than with The Sedona Method, a simple, powerful, easy-to-learn technique that shows you how to access your natural ability to let go of any unwanted feeling or thought right in the moment. It has been practiced by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide since 1974, including over one-third of the teachers in The Secret. It is the key to unlocking your unlimited potential to have, be or do whatever you desire to attract into your life.

Now you know the secret behind The Secret. Practice it along with The Secret and you’ll uncover that which mankind has sought since the dawn of time—and the Great Secret of the Ages will truly be yours.

Would you like to make more money, have more loving relationships and more radiant health and well being?

Have you tried programs for positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, motivation or subliminal reprogramming only to be disappointed?

Have you tried to change your attitude in order to have more of what you want and less of what you don't?

Do you feel like you have the talent and drive, but find things just don't seem to go your way?
Are you ready for the secret of unleashing the power of the law of attraction that really works?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, you are ready to unlock your true power. Have you ever noticed that two people with the same background and training, in the same field, often perform very differently? Why? Because of their attitude. Our emotions create our conscious and subconscious thoughts, and our thoughts either put us into action or prevent us from acting. See, hear and feel your negativity dissolve on the spot.
When you perceive you are being held back by your negative thinking, attitude or behavior, whether in staying current with your bills, negotiating that big deal, finding true love, dealing with health challenges planning and achieving your goals or in taking the steps to achieve them, simply ask yourself the easy-to-remember questions.

You will feel the tightness leaving your stomach, shoulders and chest. In its place, you will feel confidence, relaxation and clarity. You will no longer feel negative, anxious or out of control. You will feel more relaxed and able to handle whatever life throws at you more easily. The noise of your mind will subside, and you will have the clarity of mind to say and do what is appropriate and natural in order to master any life situation. You will be thinking positively without any effort, thereby creating abundance emotionally and physically.

You don't have to struggle to maintain a positive mental attitude anymore.
Although using positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, motivation or subliminal reprogramming do seem to work in helping you move in the direction of thinking more positively, you will find there is a better way. We do not have to program positive thinking. All we need to do is to liberate our natural positive nature. This natural positive attitude requires much less effort and struggle to achieve and maintain. Plus, if you truly enjoy working with positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, motivation if you combine them with The Sedona Method the results will be increased exponentially. Let's examine the alternatives to tapping your positive thinking power:

I. You can affirm the positive. Using positive thinking phrases requires a tremendous, continuous effort to remember and repeat the same positive phrases over and over again. It is also just layering positive thoughts on top of the existing negative ones, which clogs your mind with a lot of unnecessary extra noise. Plus, we often have the same feeling all day long which motivates our thoughts while we over 50,000 thoughts a day.

II. II. Subliminal programming. Although it may seem easy just to plop in a subliminal CD and have it reprogram your subconscious, doing this comes with risks. First of all, if you buy pre-made subliminal tapes, you really don't know what is in the subliminal messages. You are at the mercy of the people who created the tape and their consciousness. Not only that, this process really only layers supposedly "positive" thinking on top of the existing negative thoughts, which only clogs your mind with a lot of unnecessary extra noise. Even if you create your own subliminal messages they are already based on doubt and lack of confidence and are only covering over your true power to win.

III. Motivation. Have you ever gotten really pumped up by some motivational presentation only to have it wear off in hours or, at the most, days later? Motivation works only while you are being motivated. It also makes you dependent on someone or something outside of yourself to keep you motivated. Even self-motivation only temporarily overrides the existing negative. Rather then pump yourself up wouldn't you rather free yourself to find the natural wellspring that resides within you here and now.

IV. Visualization Just like with the other forms of positive programming visualization has it's limits and is only covering over your natural ability to succeed and thrive. Plus, it is always based on the past and the know and often the solution to your current problem or the key to achieving your worthy goal is beyond the realm of what you have already experienced.

V. Your key to true positive thinking power and financial freedom-the Sedona Method, an elegant, easy-to-learn, do-it-yourself system that will show you how to tap your natural ability to let go of any negative thought or feeling in the moment. It can be used in life to get immediate relief from the effects of negative thinking whenever it's holding you back from performing at your best. The Sedona Method helps you to easily break the patterns of thought and behavior that cause your self-sabotage to reoccur and prevent you from having what you everything that you choose-including- abundance, love and radiant health and well being.

How It Works: A Sample Releasing Process
There are three ways to approach the process of releasing, and they all lead to the same result: liberating your natural ability to let go of any unwanted emotion on the spot, and allowing some of the suppressed energy in your subconscious to dissipate. The first way is by choosing to let go of the unwanted feeling. The second way is to welcome the feeling, to allow the emotion just to be. The third way is to dive into the very core of the emotion.

Let me explain by asking you to participate in a simple exercise. Pick up a pen, a pencil, or some small object that you would be willing to drop without giving it a second thought. Now, hold it in front of you and really grip it tightly. Pretend this is one of your limiting feelings and that your hand represents your gut or your consciousness. If you held the object long enough, this would start to feel uncomfortable yet familiar.

Now, open your hand and roll the object around in it. Notice that you are the one holding on to it; it is not attached to your hand. The same is true with your feelings, too. Your feelings are as attached to you as this object is attached to your hand.

We hold on to our feelings and forget that we are holding on to them. It’s even in our language. When we feel angry or sad, we don’t usually say, “I feel angry,” or, “I feel sad.” We say, “I am angry,” or, “I am sad.” Without realizing it, we are misidentifying that we are the feeling. Often, we believe a feeling is holding on to us. This is not true… we are always in control and just don’t know it. Now, let the object go.

What happened? You let go of the object, and it dropped to the floor. Was that hard? Of course not. That’s what we mean when we say “let go.” You can do the same thing with any emotion: choose to let it go.

Sticking with this same analogy: If you walked around with your hand open, wouldn’t it be very difficult to hold on to the pen or other object you’re holding? Likewise, when you allow or welcome a feeling, you are opening your consciousness, and this enables the feeling to drop away all by itself—like the clouds passing in the sky or smoke passing up a chimney with the flue open. It is as though you are removing the lid from a pressure cooker.

Now, if you took the same object—a pencil, pen, or pebble—and magnified it large enough, it would appear more and more like empty space. You would be looking into the gaps between the molecules and atoms. When you dive into the very core of a feeling, you will observe a comparable phenomenon: nothing is really there.

As you master the process of releasing, you will discover that even your deepest feelings are just on the surface. At the core you are empty, silent, and at peace—not in the pain and darkness that most of us would assume. In fact, even our most extreme feelings have only as much substance as a soap bubble. And you know what happens when you poke your finger into a soap bubble: it pops. That’s exactly what happens when you dive into the core of a feeling.
Please keep these three analogies in mind as we go through the releasing process together. Releasing will help you to fee yourself from all of your unwanted patterns of behavior, thought and feeling. All that is required from you is being as open as you can be to the process. Releasing will free you to access clearer thinking, yet it is not a thinking process. Although it will help you to access heightened creativity, you don’t need to be particularly creative to be effective at doing it.

You will get the most out of the process of releasing the more you allow yourself to see, hear, and feel it working, rather than by thinking about how and why it works. Lead, as best you can, with your heart, not your head. If you find yourself getting a little stuck in trying to figure it out, you can use the identical process to let go of “wanting to figure it out.” Guaranteed, as you work with this process, you will understand it more fully by having the direct experience of doing it.
So here we go. Choosing to Let Go.Make yourself comfortable and focus inwardly. Your eyes may be open or closed.

Step 1: Focus on an issue that you would like to feel better about, and then allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in this moment. This doesn’t have to be a strong feeling. In fact, you can even check on how you feel about this exercise and what you want to get from it. Just welcome the feeling and allow it to be as fully or as best you can.

This instruction may seem simplistic, but it needs to be. Most of us live in our thoughts, pictures, and stories about the past and the future, rather than being aware of how we actually feel in this moment. The only time that we can actually do anything about the way we feel (and, for that matter, about our businesses or our lives) is NOW. You don’t need to wait for a feeling to be strong before you let it go. In fact, if you are feeling numb, flat, blank, cut off, or empty inside, those are feelings that can be let go of just as easily as the more recognizable ones. Simply do the best you can. The more you work with this process, the easier it will be for you to identify what you are feeling.

Step 2: Ask yourself one of the following three questions:

• Could I let this feeling go? • Could I allow this feeling to be here? • Could I welcome this feeling?

These questions are merely asking you if it is possible to take this action. “Yes” or “no” are both acceptable answers. You will often let go even if you say “no.” As best you can, answer the question that you choose with a minimum of thought, staying away from second-guessing yourself or getting into an internal debate about the merits of that action or its consequences.
All the questions used in this process are deliberately simple. They are not important in and of themselves but are designed to point you to the experience of letting go, to the experience of stopping holding on. Go on to Step 3 no matter how you answered the first question.

Step 3: No matter which question you started with, ask yourself this simple question: Would I? In other words: Am I willing to let go?

Again, stay away from debate as best you can. Also remember that you are always doing this process for yourself—for the purpose of gaining your own freedom and clarity. It doesn’t matter whether the feeling is justified, long-standing, or right.

If the answer is “no,” or if you are not sure, ask yourself: “Would I rather have this feeling, or would I rather be free?”
Even if the answer is still “no,” go on to Step 4.

Step 4: Ask yourself this simpler question: When?

This is an invitation to just let it go NOW. You may find yourself easily letting go. Remember that letting go is a decision you can make any time you choose.

Step 5: Repeat the preceding four steps as often as needed until you feel free of that particular feeling.

You will probably find yourself letting go a little more on each step of the process. The results at first may be quite subtle. Very quickly, if you are persistent, the results will get more and more noticeable. You may find that you have layers of feelings about a particular topic. However, what you let go of is gone for good.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Grand Experiment

Whatever we treasure for ourselves separates us from others; our possessions are our limitations. --Rabindranath Tagore

Inspiration of the Day:As she plunked down $4.20 for a Grande Mocha at the local coffee shop, Mary Carlomagno realized her life had gotten way too complicated, with too many distractions, too much stuff and too much technology. She decided it was time for some serious simplification. Each month for an entire year, Mary renounced one thing: shopping, elevators, newspapers, cell phones, dining out, television, taxis, coffee, cursing, chocolate, and multitasking.

"Give It Up!" chronicles Mary's life-changing experiences and provides a commonsense blueprint for anyone looking to simplify their lives, while cherishing each moment and celebrating what really matters. Read her insights from the experiment here. [ more ]

Be The Change:Give something up this month that you've never consciously gone without, and if you'd like, share your experiment here. [ more ]

Charity Focus

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Purpose in Life

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. --Morrie Schwartz

By salary standards, Dr. Bob Paeglow may be the least-successful doctor in America. Paeglow takes absolutely no salary and survives mostly on donations. Every penny he makes goes back to his patients in one way or another. Fortunately, Paeglow didn't go into medicine for the money. He went into it -- pretty late in life -- because he kept having a vision of himself in old age that he didn't like: "That the world was no better because I was a part of it than if I'd never been born." At the age of 36, Bob gave up his career as a quality control technician, went to medical school and set out to improve the quality of the planet. He opened his office in a neighborhood where most doctors wouldn't open their car door, and welcomed in all the people mainstream medicine would've otherwise likely ignored. [ more ]

Charity Focus

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Lost On A Desert Island

We saw nothing in the way of searching planes or ships. . . . the second day out we organized little evening and morning prayer meetings. . . . Frankly and humbly we prayed for our deliverance. After the oranges were gone, we experienced terrific pangs of hunger, and we prayed for food. We had a couple of little fish lines with hooks about the size of the end of my little finger, but no bait.

Were it not for the fact that I have seven witnesses, I wouldn't dare tell this story because it seems so fantastic. Within an hour after prayer meeting on the eighth day, a sea gull came out of nowhere and landed on my head. I reached up my hand very gently and got him. We wrung his head, feathered him, carved up his carcass and ate every bit, even the little bones. We distributed and used his innards for bait. Captain Cherry caught a little mackerel about six or eight inches long and I caught a little speckled sea bass about the same size, so we had food for a couple of days. . . . That night we ran into our first rainstorm. Usually you try to avoid a black squall, but in this case we made it our business to get into it and catch water for drinking. . . . Later we were able to catch more water and build up our supply. . . .

Eddie Rickenbacker

Monday, February 05, 2007

30 Keys to Change your Destiny Now

30 Keys to Change YOUR Destiny Now
by Guy Finley

It is a Law: Not of Man’s or of Woman’s — but of Life. Before you can have a different
life; before you can be happier, wiser, more at peace and in quiet command of yourself, you must first be different. Being is everything.

What is Being? Every thing on Earth and in the heavens has Being because — animated or not
All forms are an expression of one great Intelligent, Creative Energy. Even a common rock has Being of a sort. Similarly, all manner of Beings — from rocks to roses —to you and I — all unique expressions of this One Great Energy — possess a nature. The nature of a rock is determined by the natural forces acting upon it. Both the rock’s nature — and its destiny — are predetermined. Its Being is without choice. One day it will be dust.

Neither does the rose, dressed so delicately in its fragrant velveteen petals, have a choice as to its nature. An individual rose can’t choose not to have thorns, or attract bees. Its nature is a fixed expression of its Being.

But human nature, your nature, is not fixed. It can be transformed. That’s what makes us special above all of God’s countless expressions. And this fact empowers us in a very special way. It means, that as a feature of our Being, each of us is created with the power to choose our own destiny. Let’s see how this is possible.

Your Being is in a constant process of unfolding. That it will unfold is not your choice. Being is a gift you can’t refuse. It came with birth. But how the rest of your life unfolds is something you can influence. It’s called making choices. Being empowered to have a real voice in your life-choices is what this booklet is all about.

But, before you can learn how to change your destiny, you must first realize that secret place within yourself where your own future is created. You must consciously enter that place of power where Being and your present nature meet; that place where all of your life-choices are made for you. It’s called the Present Moment: The Now. And this Now is the seed of all that comes later. The following paragraph helps us see into this great mystery.

It’s only what you do right this moment, right Now, that’s the seed of personal change. And in the endless beauty and mystery of what is the Now, this same seed of change is also the seed of your New and Higher Nature.

Grasp the meaning of the next sentence, fully, and you’ll have your first glimpse of just one of the special ways in which The Power of the Present Moment can help you change your destiny.
If you choose to change right Now, then you won’t have to worry about how to be different next time!

In fact, choose to change Now, and that moment will never come for you to worry about how to be better next time. Why? Because your conscious choice for real change in the present moment automatically cancels the need for a better you in a better future. Why? Because all will be better for you Now, which is the only time it really matters!

Make it your moment to moment practice to stay awake, and to watch for all the opportunities that your own Now presents. Keep your efforts personal, practical, and to the point. If your inner work doesn’t transform the whole of your life into a more relaxed, amazing, and uplifting experience, then you’re dreaming; not changing. To help you begin this important process of using The Power of the Present Moment for personal transformation, the remainder of this booklet is designed to reveal the countless opportunities each day presents for you to be free Now.

I’ve created a list of thirty ways in which your awareness of the power of Now can transform each challenging life-moment into a new and true beginning for you. Learning how to use these moments leads to real inner change, which is the same as being in command of your own destiny. For best results, read the following list of 30 Keys all the way through without stopping. Then, go back over the individual points which hold some special meaning for you. Make notes of your impressions. Add to each of these insights any personal details which might help make that particular lesson more meaningful to you.
Here’s an encouragement. Your efforts to contribute to these studies turn their revelations into a part of your own evolving Nature. And as you awaken to this Higher Life within yourself, you naturally attract higher and happier events. There is no such thing as a wasted step when your final destination is self transformation.

1. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Dare to slow down. Just do it. Here’s help. See that even at a million miles an hour, anxious thoughts and feelings still take you no-where. If you want to find what is timeless, dare to live as though you have all the time in the world. Go ahead. Step out of the rush. Step out Now.

2. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The way you feel toward what you meet in life is a direct expression of who you are. And who you are is exactly the same as what you secretly value. Being willing to see you feel the way you do, because you treasure what you do, is what it means to take responsibility for your life.

3. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Drop any thought or action that creates conflict in the present moment for the promise of a better feeling to come. Your True Nature is Now. There is no later. You can’t be divided and be content. Choose to be whole. Begin by consciously refusing to compromise yourself.

4. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: It may feel like it, but you’re not the only one who suffers! That’s why you mustn’t be afraid to take a good look at — and really consider — another human being. This will help you be less wrongly concerned with the way you feel about yourself — which will come as welcome relief. Remember, you’re not the only one in the world.

5. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Anybody can do what everybody else does — which is usually the minimum to get the maximum. You do more. Take the step you’re sure you can’t. You’ll discover that the “you” who could not is only a thought that believes it can not. See this. Then get going beyond yourself.

6. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: When your feet ache because your shoes are too tight, you don’t complain that someone else made you put them on. So why blame another when it’s your feelings that are hurting you? If wearing painful emotions means you have to bear their pressure, then dare to drop them. You’ll feel better. There’s no gain, only pain, in blame.

7. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The heart tends to feel heavy when the mind says things aren’t the way they ought to be. But your True Nature is neither thought nor emotion. You are Spirit. And your Spirit is always Light Hearted. It knows better than to look for, or find, Itself in a dark thought. Look at life through its eyes. Be Light Spirited.

8. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The easiest thing in the world is to walk around unconsciously feeling superior to everyone you meet. But with what do you measure? A critical spirit? A judgmental mind? What kind of eyes have to look down on another to convince themselves of up? Step down as judge.

9. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: There is really no such thing as a shaky situation, so any time you start to tremble, don’t look around you for the fault: Look inward. It’s the inner-ground you’re standing on that isn’t solid. Any weakness faced by looking in this new direction becomes the foundation of a new strength. Face those fearful feelings. Fearlessness follows.

10. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: There’s no such thing as a separate self, so anything you do to encourage another person to do better, or go farther, is the same as helping yourself go higher. So, give yourself a lift up. Try a little kindness even if you’re not feeling that way at the moment. Then you will. Help someone else go Higher.

11. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: It’s very important for you to see that holding on to some hurt, or hatred, over what others may have done to you in the past, makes you their slave in the here and Now. Is that what you want? Learn to ask for something new by refusing to relive what’s been tearing at you. This Higher request releases you from raging resentments.

12. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Choosing what’s true in spite of fearing what that choice may cost you, is the same as giving yourself a fearless life. Here’s why: Nothing you’re afraid of losing can ever be the source of your fearlessness. Do what’s true regardless of the consequences. All you can lose is fear.

13. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Nothing you’ve ever done has filled the emptiness you feel inside, so stop giving yourself empty things to do. Leave the space empty. This allows it to fill itself — which it wants to do — with something you can’t give yourself: The end of feeling empty. Stay out of it. Don’t fill the emptiness. Let the empty space fill itself.

14. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The only difference between the need to endlessly explain your life to others — and feeling as though you have to excuse yourself for being alive — is that while you’re explaining yourself, at least it feels like you have a good reason for being excused. You’re not required to explain yourself to anyone. Stop Now.

15. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: It is a fact: Defeat is nothing but a bad memory. And no memory has any real life of its own. This means that the only time you have to feel the pain of any defeat is if you ask for it — by going into troubled thought about some painful past loss. You can have the last laugh on defeat. Stay in the Present Moment. Learn to laugh Now.

16. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Put what you love first. The rest of your life will take care of itself because Love always finds a way. Love never considers fear. And with Love as your guide, your success in life is assured since Its Nature is already the perfect prize. Follow what you love. You’re sure to find a happy heart.

17. Now Is Always The Time To:
Start Your Life All Over
Special Insight: Any time you choose, you can start your whole life over. And you can have just as many new beginnings as you’re willing to leave behind you all of your ideas about yourself. That’s what it means to start all over. Life can only be as new as you choose to be. Wake up. Start your life over Now.

18. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Even if all of your thoughts are going that way, tell your chin not to fall down. As it obeys, it gives a message to your head: Hold yourself up high! And so your head helps your eyes to keep looking forward, where they can at last see that your thoughts are often blind. Keep your chin up. Consciousness likes heights. Dare to follow!

19. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: You’ve been trying to run your own show and, so far, it’s pretty much been just a nightmare with entertaining intermissions! Let something Higher have Its hand at directing your life. Let your show go. Then watch for a happy ending coming soon.

20. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Your Life is only as complete as you are. No more, no less. Looking to relationships, your work, or even happy events for a feeling of self wholeness is like trying to put a smile on your face in the mirror — while you’re still frowning. Being complete is first an Understanding, and then a feeling. Stop looking outside of yourself. Seek the understanding. Seek it within. The feeling will follow.

21. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: There is no pleasing the
fear you may displease others. Allowing
what others may feel about what you want
… to change the way you feel about that same
want … is like believing someone else can put on your sweater, and that you’ll feel the warmth! The only real pleasure comes from knowing that you have your own life. Take you life back Now.

22. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Without the raindrop, there is no ocean. The river runs to the sea because each stream finds, and fills, its course. There is an Order, it’s clear: From the small is born the Mighty, and the small is small no more. Remember each day of your life, there’s already an Order. Let go into its flow. And there you’ll find you’re small no more.

23. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: True strength is the flower of Wisdom, but Its seed is action. To learn, you must jump into the battle. Fear not. You can’t be hurt in this fight. Here’s why. Any weakness voluntarily met is the same as greeting a greater strength. Never let a fearful thought keep you from this New Strength. Enter the battle Now!

24. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: You can’t think yourself into happiness, but you can sink yourself with a single dark thought. Right, bright emotions spring from the heart. Heavy feelings can’t exist without the presence of negative thoughts. This means sad states are just a trick of the mind! To see through any state of sadness, see the difference between the head and the heart.

25. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: A lamp without a light is as useless as a bottomless bucket. So too is this life empty without a sense of the Sacred. The Celestial is always present. Why wait until you feel down before you think to look up? You can always glimpse the Higher, but you have to remind yourself to look in the right direction. Look up! Look Now.

26. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: Never mind how much there is to do. Or how hard some task appears to be. Get one thing done! Then, take that step again. Consciously brush aside any other concerns. Do what’s in your power. Refuse to deal with what’s not. The most beautiful tapestry in the world begins and ends with one of ten thousand individual threads.

27. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The frantic search for any answer only delivers answers on the same frantic level. Don’t be afraid to go quiet. It’s OK to not know. Knowing that you don’t know what to do puts you where you need to be to learn. Just as you can see farther on a clear day, new understanding flowers in a quiet mind. Go quiet Now.

28. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The fact of any problem, and the fearful feeling about it, are separate issues appearing as one. They merge only in a thought telling you one can’t exist without the other; which is like thinking you can’t feel a chill without having the plague. The fear you feel over any situation is the same as your demands upon it. Separate facts from fears Now.

29. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: The problem with acting out any role is that your life can’t be both a show and be real. Wanting and winning the attention of others with a performance of any kind doesn’t make the performer real, any more than smiling at yourself in the mirror makes you loving. Life is only Real when you are. Catch yourself in the act. Then just drop it.

30. Now Is Always The Time To:
Special Insight: You can’t change the kind of person you are later. There is no later. It’s always now or never. You can’t be kind later. And you can’t learn later. But even when you can’t succeed with starting your life over, keep this one Truth in mind:
You can always start over again. The time to change your destiny is Now!
You Can Change Your Destiny.

1. Your decision to be free begins right now.
2. Never believe that you must learn to live with anything that torments you.
3. Self compromise is the same as self sorrow.
4. All the pure powers that form the foundation of true freedom are already in place within you.
5. Stop thinking in terms of where you want to go, and begin thinking in terms of who you need to be.
6. Drop all thoughts that anxiously instruct you to give yourself away today, so that tomorrow you might have what you need to own yourself.
7. A change of nature is not evolutionary, it is voluntary.

Guy Finley